Closing Procedure

1) Turn off all the computers on the following floors: the ground/basement floor, the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor. The library staff takes care of the computers on the 1st floor.

2) Push in all the chairs for each computer station.

3) Fill all the printers

4) Check the toner of each printer

5) Fill the bottom drawer of the large cabinet with reams of paper. The hand cart and paper key are in MIC 103 office.

6) Make sure no one is left in the computer lab when you leave

7) Sign out using the "Time Entry" on Workday.

Closing Procedures
I schedule one circulation coordinators, two library aides, and one lab monitor to make sure we have enough people in this building to keep everyone safe. We do not stop non-Champlain College community members from entering this building. This means we do not know who is in the building when we close. In addition, we do not have security to help us close at night. We have to rely on each other.

Everyone who closes at night should leave together. You should not leave anyone behind. Sometimes this may mean leaving after midnight or 10 p.m.

Again, we should all leave together.

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